Tuesday, January 24, 2012


When I go home for the weekend, it feels as though I am completely disconnected from my social media world. Although I have a smart phone which I check frequently, I still feel out-of-the-loop once I get back to school.

When I'm at home, all I want to do is spend time with my family. Rarely do I have a minute to myself and when I do it's because I'm sleeping. I simply don't have time to update my blog, reply to emails or even tweet about my day.

I have to admit that it's kind of nice to get away from it all for awhile. I mean, seriously, it can get a bit overwhelming with Twitter, Facebook, 3 different email accounts and 2 different blogs to keep track of. But, it's always nice to get back and lock myself in my room for a few hours as I try to catch up on everything.


Thursday, January 12, 2012

Out of my element

Some things just aren't for me...like sitting in a lecture hall listening to a professor ramble on and on about laws and the bill of rights.

That's what I did yesterday morning, as I scrambled to take notes on what I thought was the most important information.

As I sat continuously flipping my hair out of my face so I could see the professor and write notes at the same time, I felt so out of my element.

Why was I even in this class that had nothing to do with my major, I thought.

I tried to focus on what the professor was saying, but the thought that this class that wasn't even required for my major could ruin my 4.0 gpa.

By the end of class, I knew I would end up dropping it.


It's just not me.

I like my fun mass communications classes where we play with Legos and write stories about our creations...okay, so that's not a typical class day. But that's what we did early this week in my feature writing class.

I like writing and creating. I feel comfortable telling stories and taking photographs. I'm not the type of person that can sit in a lecture hall taking notes for hours everyday. I'd rather be applying myself by going out and getting experience interviewing, writing, editing and taking photos for different publications.

That's me. And after being thrown out of my element for one little class period, it really made me realize how much I love what I do. :)

Monday, January 9, 2012

And another semester begins

It's been awhile...but Christmas break is now over and another semester is here.

This spring semester I'm looking forward to interviewing amazing people, writing new stories and taking a lot of photos. After all, it's all about the little things! :)

Today, it was waking up early and going to the wellness center for a morning workout. It woke me up a bit more for class and it was a great way to start my day!